These rules and
regulations pertain to the festival being held
Thursday, July 31 - Sunday, August 3, 2025, at the
University Plaza Hotel & Convention Center, 333 South John Q Hammons Parkway, Springfield, MO 65806.
Phone: 417-864-7333.
Schedule 2025 | New for 2025 | FAQs
Room Reservations | Contestant
Registration | Festival Fees
Rules | Audition Procedures
Guidelines for Specific Categories | 2025 Schedule
| Music Quiz Bowl

may also download these Rules and
Regulations as a pdf document.
will attempt to meet all "Special Requests," however, they are
NOT guaranteed and are subject to availability.
Please read the Contestant Registration section
carefully for scheduling questions.
Please make note of our email address to reach
Pam Gabel, M.A.M.A. secretary:
We are thrilled to have
KEVIN OLSON as our Guest Composer this year!!

Kevin Olson
- Ed.D., NCTM
Professor of Music Coordinator, Keyboard Studies Faculty
Advisor, USU Youth Conservatory Caine College of the Arts
Kevin is an active pianist, composer, and professor of piano
at Utah State University where he has taught courses in piano literature, pedagogy, accompanying, music theory,
improvisation, commercial composition, and rock & roll history, among others. In addition to his collegiate teaching
responsibilities, Dr. Olson coordinates the keyboard studies program at Utah
State and oversees the USU Youth Conservatory, which provides weekly piano instruction to
over 150 pre-college community students.
Dr. Olson has been a Composer in Residence at the National Conference on Keyboard
Pedagogy and has written music commissioned and performed by groups such as the
Five Browns, Music Teachers National Association, American Piano Quartet, Chicago a
cappella, the Rich Matteson Jazz Festival, American Grands, the Festival for Creative
Pianists, the American Festival Chorus & Orchestra, and numerous piano teacher
associations around the country. He gives workshops and performances nationally and
internationally - most recently in India, China, Canada, Great Britain, and Italy.
Kevin maintains a large piano studio, teaching students of a variety of ages and abilities.
Many of the needs of his own piano students have inspired over 200 published books and
solos, written in a variety of levels and styles.
His compositions are available
to Top
FOR 2025 
- Entries must be submitted by May
30,2025, with all information to avoid additional fee. There will be a $10.00 fee per contestant for any additional information postmarked after the May
30, 2025, deadline.
- We highly encourage you to stay at the
University Plaza Hotel at a discounted price of $100 per night
(includes breakfast)! Please stay at this hotel to support the
festival. Book your group rate for Mid America Music Association.
Use this link for reservations. Last day to book is (Monday) July 7,
- Piano
competitive divisions AAA-JV will be combined to fill that category.
- M.A.M.A. accompanist
rate is now $75 if notified, paid,
and music received by July 7, 2025. If after that date, the charge will be
$100. Call new MAMA board member, Melinda Groves, at 620-481-1321 to
- Trying something new! Friday evening Piano Competitive Concert will be broken into two presentations.
Piano Comp. winners of G-C will play from 5:30pm to 6:15pm. Piano Comp. winners of B-AAA/JV will play from 6:15pm to 7:00pm.
You're invited to attend all or a portion of this event. The Awards Ceremony will
start at 7:00pm or concluding the concert.
- Studio packets with Rating Sheets will be distributed (authorization letter required) following Sunday
Awards. For those not present, MAMA Secretary will mail the Rating Sheets to the Associate Member
for an additional $20 fee.
is the general format of the MAMA festival?
A. All events are held at the
University Plaza Hotel & Convention
Center in Springfield, Missouri.
When making room reservations, mention MAMA to
get the special festival rate of
- Entrants may participate in multiple categories (see details and available days
- Awards ceremonies are on Friday evening for Thursday and Friday participants and on Sunday afternoon for
Saturday and Sunday morning participants. Names of those receiving Superior scores are posted Thursday
evening and Friday preceding the Awards, Saturday evening and Sunday preceding the Awards.
- At the Awards Ceremony, Superior recipients are called to the stage to receive their trophy.
Q. For performance accompaniment, may I use computer-generated music or a CD accompaniment?
A. Live accompaniment is required.
Q. May I use photocopied music for any festival performance or judging?
A. Photocopied music is only allowed with a permanently-out-of-print letter from publisher.
Q. May we photograph or video my adjudication?
A. No photography or video recording equipment is allowed in any room during judging.
Q. What happens if I cannot be present at the Friday night or Sunday afternoon Awards Ceremony to pick up my
trophy if I receive a Superior rating?
A. A studio representative (with an authorization letter, which will be provided to the Associate Member in July)
must pick up trophies after the ceremony. Unclaimed trophies are available only at the awards ceremonies;
if not claimed at either of the Awards Ceremonies, trophies will be forfeited and will not be mailed by
Q. When will I receive my Rating Sheet?
A. Studio packets with Rating Sheets will be distributed (authorization letter required) following Sunday Awards. For those not present, MAMA Secretary will mail the Rating Sheets to the Associate Member
for an additional $20 fee.
Q. Are there a set number of superiors that will be awarded? Is the festival a competition?
A. There is no set number of superior ratings. The only competitions in the MAMA festival are
Piano Competitive and a competition for Top
Virtuoso - the most advanced classification.
Q. What if there is not a required list of music for regular solo entry on my instrument (viola, cello, etc)?
A. If your instrument is not listed in the required lists, you will choose two contrasting pieces for your regular solo entry.
Q. How do I know what classification to enter?
A. For solo divisions that have a required list, choose class based on repertoire. For those instruments with no required list and for duets & ensembles, the following are general guidelines: Classes
G,F,E = early to mid-elementary; Classes D, C, B = late elementary to early intermediate; Classes A, AA,
AAA = mid to late intermediate; Junior Virtuoso to Virtuoso = advanced.
Q. What are the guidelines about taking repeats?
A. For all instruments class G through Virtuoso and Concerto - repeated sections longer than 8 measures should not be taken unless D. C. or D. S. or to complete the piece properly.
Q. Is there a time limit for my adjudication?
A. There is not a time limit; however, the following are guides for time scheduled for classes. Judges may need to cut performance if beyond these time suggestions:
Class |
of Minutes |
Class |
of Minutes |
F-G |
5 |
& Blues/J |
7 |
D-E |
6 |
Hobbyist |
7 |
B-C |
7 |
Composition |
8 |
A |
8 |
(B & lower) |
7 |
AA |
10 |
(A & above) |
9 |
11 |
Voice |
7 |
Virtuoso |
13 |
Show |
5 |
Virtuoso |
20 |
Theory Bee |
6 |
Orchestra |
up to tear down) |
Comp. |
6 |
Elite Virtuoso |
20 |
Hobbyist |
7 |
Q. How
do I register my students for the MAMA festival?
A. Registrations are done through MAMA Associate Members
- ENTRY FORMS are found
here; all repertoire must be included on entry forms; $10.00 per change or addition after deadline.
- CHECKS can only be from Associate Members.
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: May 30, 2025, to avoid the $10.00 per entry late fee for postmarks after this date.
postmarked after the 30th, we are requesting payment by certified
check or money order.
requested; however, there is NO guarantee that every request can be fulfilled; if an entrant must be scheduled on a certain day, indicate
"must have" by that entry on the entry form.
CHANGES: $10.00 regardless of which day was requested. No exceptions.
Teachers, please report contestant cancellations to the secretary prior to the festival.
Q. May
I use digitally downloaded music?
A. Yes, you may as long as the original purchase receipt is available upon request.
Q. How
do I reserve a room at the hotel?
A. We highly encourage you to stay at the University Plaza Hotel &
Convention Center, Springfield, Missouri, at a discounted rate of $100
(includes breakfast). This rate will only be available until the
M.A.M.A. room block is
full. Book your group rate for Mid America Music Association.
Use this link for reservations. Last day to book is July 7, 2025!
What are the festival fees?
A. Associate Membership - $45.00
A. Teachers may add an additional Studio Fee. No refunds after
A. Entry Fees...
- Solo: Class G thru AAA
(can also participate in one ensemble & one orchestra at no additional charge)
- Solo: Jr. Virtuoso and Virtuoso
- Solo: Elite Virtuoso
- Concerto
- Open $40.00
Solo Entry on
2nd Instrument - $25.00
- Solo
Hymn/Patriotic & Jazz/Blues - $30.00
- Adult
Hobbyist - $30.00
- Student
Hobbyist - $30.00
- Composer's
Composition - $40.00
- Original
Composition - $25.00
- Duet Teams
G-AAA (per team) $30.00
- Duo Teams (two piano, per team)
- Duets
& Jr. Virtuoso - $32.00
- # of
individuals in ens./orchestra only - $12.00
- Orchestras -
no charge
- Ensemble
Groups - no charge
- Piano
Competitive - $25.00
- Quiz Bowl (Per team)
- Theory Bee -
- Talent Show (Per act)
- Facility Fee $15.00 per person
- Late Fees (for
postmarks after May 30, 2025) - $10.00*
*If postmarked after the
30th, we are requesting payment by certified check or money order.
to Top
ACCOMPANIST may be the teacher of contestant; M.A.M.A. will assist in locating an accompanist, but contestants are encouraged to bring their own; any contestant who wishes to use the M.A.M.A. accompanist will pay a
$75.00 fee per event if contacted, which covers 20 minutes rehearsal time on preceding evening and the audition time. Deadline for submitting accompanist request, copy of music and non-refundable accompanist fee (payable to M.A.M.A.) is
July 7, 2025. If deadline is not met, the charge will be $100.00. For
M.A.M.A. accompanist, call new board member, Melinda Groves, at (620)
481-1321. (Bring to festival the Original Scores for the judge, the contestant, and the accompanist.)

AUDIENCE allowed in solo class A through Virtuoso, piano competitive, vocal theater, original composition,
Composer's Composition, and all un-memorized events. Closed auditions may not be requested.
CHOOSING A CLASS: A contestant cannot enter two classes on the same instrument: example, do not enter Class D and also Class C on the same instrument. Contestants entering two or more solo divisions must play different selections each division. For example:
regular piano solo entry cannot be same repertoire as hymn/patriotic or
piano competitive. This applies to all instruments. **A contestant's choice piece
may not appear on lower level of the test list than the required piece.

CUTS IN MUSIC may not be
made by the performer. Contestants must perform as
MUSIC MARKINGS: Dynamics & tempo markings may be inserted by teacher when none is given.
Measures must be numbered. Contestant name, scheduled time & room number should be on the music.
MUSIC STANDS & AMPLIFIERS are not provided. Contestant must provide.
PHOTOCOPIED MUSIC: Absolutely no photocopied music will be allowed in judging rooms unless a letter from the publisher stating
"permanently out of print" has been submitted
before the festival to the M.A.M.A. secretary; otherwise,
both the contestant (in categories which allow music to be used) and judge (in every instance) must have
original scores; students using photocopied music that is not P.O.P. will be disqualified from the festival. This applies to any soloist, accompanist, or duet/ensemble participant.
TEACHERS are permitted to be contestants in only AA, AAA, Jr. Virtuoso, Virtuoso and Open
*Will be selected by the judges from all entrants except solo piano
and Virtuoso, any instrument. (1st place Competitive Piano winners will be considered Outstanding Young
Performers for Solo Piano.)
*Criteria: exceptional musicianship, performance, poise, etc.
*The Outstanding Young Performers list will be posted Saturday evening
as an invitation to play on the OYP recital preceding the Sunday awards
*Due to time constraints, Sunday morning contestants will not be eligible for
to Top
- If contestant is scheduled for two or more performances at about the same time, to go orchestra first, ensemble second, duet third,
solo fourth.
- PRIOR TO PLAYING, contestants are encouraged to announce their name and the names of the pieces they are performing in all divisions having audiences.
- ORIGINAL MUSIC: All contestants are required to bring the original of both test piece and choice
piece music to present to the judge; three point penalty for failure to do so.
(see above for full explanation regarding photocopied music)
- MEMORIZATION: Required in Solo division, (except organ AAA,
organ Junior Virtuoso, and organ Virtuoso), and some other categories. Check next section for memorization in specific categories.
Superiors will be posted near the Information Desk as soon as possible after judging is completed
each day. Friday and Sunday Superiors will be posted as soon as available prior to the Awards Ceremony.
- AWARD CRITERIA: Trophies will be awarded to scores of exactly 95 points or above. Trophies will be presented first to only the contestants who are present at the awards ceremony.
judging - Friday evening; for Saturday & Sunday judging - Sunday
An authorized studio representative must pick up trophies for absentee contestants
after the Friday awards and after the Sunday awards. Trophies will not be available after the close of the Sunday awards.
All Rating Sheet Studio Packets will be available at the close of Sunday awards.
For those not present, MAMA Secretary will mail the Rating Sheets to
the Associate Member for an additional $20 fee.
- ORCHESTRA & ENSEMBLE TROPHIES are awarded to the entering studio. Duplicates for individual members of superior groups may be purchased following the awards ceremony near the M.A.M.A. Information desk.
to Top
- may be any instrument available in the festival;
may be solo, duet, or ensemble
- play two contrasting pieces (no required test piece)
- memorization not required
- lead sheet can be used (Fake Book, etc.)
- Bring Original Score for the judge
and original score for the contestant.
- may be any
instrument available in the festival
- play two choice
classical and/or "teaching" contrasting pieces
- memorization
not required
- trophy will be
awarded for superior rating
- Bring original
score for the judge and original score for the contestant
- Contestants must participate in the regular M.A.M.A. solo division to enter the
Composer's Composition category.
- Required list will be the compositions of one composer for this category. No levels, so pieces being judged may be varied in difficulty.
- Entrant may choose any one piece from
Composer's Composition list to perform (memorized) for adjudication.
- Audience is allowed.
- Superior ratings will receive a trophy. There is no competition for Superiors.
- Composer will judge all entries and from the Superiors awarded.

- can be any instrument, any level; no required list; adjudication on memorized solo part only.
- to qualify for
this category, the concerto must have an accompaniment
- play any one
movement, memorized
- Senior Division: similar to Class A through
- Junior Division:
similar to Class B through G
- accompanist may be the teacher; no trophy awarded for accompanist part and memory not required.
- Bring Original Score for the judge
and original score for the accompanist.
- Entrants will
perform two numbers of their own choice of contrast. Memorization not required. (Bring Original Score for the judge
and original score for the contestant.) No top virtuoso winner in the Duet Division.
Entries may be duet - for one piano or duo - for two pianos.

- Those who study keyboard may enter using
piano test list. Contestants would need to bring their own keyboard, extension cord and amplifier if needed.
- For any contestant who is a previous virtuoso winner. Music should be of suitable concert material, one hour duration. Complete program must be sent to Secretary for review by the Board one month prior to the festival (i.e. list pieces and composers). Contestant cannot play in both virtuoso and open division in the same year. Open division may be repeated in successive years using different repertoire.
The judge will hear part or all of each work; audition will be
approximately 20 minutes in total.
POP/BLUES/JAZZ (any instrument):
- Piano Pop/Blues/Jazz will be scheduled any of the festival
- Each piece must be a minimum of 16 bars, not including repeats.
- Contestants not required to enter any other event.
- Repertoire: no required list; however, if entering regular solo, choose
same level of difficulty;
Choose 2 hymns, 2 patriotic or 1 of each; for pop/blues/jazz: any 2 of
TV or movie themes, blues or jazz.
- Memorization not required; Bring Original Score for the judge
and original score for the contestant.
- Superior rating will receive a trophy.

ENSEMBLE DIVISION (3-8 players):
- Will play two contrasting numbers of choice; must be different from own orchestra pieces played this year or last year. Memory not required. (Bring Original Score for the judge
and original score for the contestants.) May use no more than 2 pianos. Ensemble trophies are awarded to the entering studio. Duplicates for individual members of the superior groups may be purchased. Total suggested time allotments: Class A & above
- 10 minutes; Class B & below - 7 minutes.
ORCHESTRA DIVISION: (9 or more players):
- Percussion may be added. Amplification may be used. No age limit for members; amateur or professional members; A contestant can be involved in no more than two orchestras, regardless of the number of instruments played. Memory not required. (Bring Original Score for the judge
and original score for the contestants.) Complete written scores must be provided for the judge. All played notes must be shown on the score.
Total of 20 minutes allowed for set up, warm up, performance and tear down.
Disqualification for exceeding 20 minutes. Pre-rehearsal arrangements will be made, if desired, with the hotel at your own expense. All orchestras will play on Saturday, office scheduling permitting.
- Composer/contestant must submit composition manuscript to the judge and perform the piece.
Memorization optional; audience allowed. May be any style and open to all solo divisions in the festival. Adjudication will be on the composition itself rather than the performance.
- Marimba: not furnished; bring your own instrument; indicate on entry form if you need piano
- Class D through Virtuoso
Play one set drum solo and one snare drum solo (one
required, one choice). If you play a required list set solo, you may choose a
snare solo that does not have to be from the list; if you play a
required snare solo, you may choose a set solo that does not have to be from the list.
- Drum solos Class A and below will use drum set provided at festival to alleviate crowded space and time
factor. Participants in classes G through A will not be allowed to bring duplication instruments of their own.
- A layout of the provided drum set will be available upon request. If something needed is not provided, the teacher is to
contact the M.A.M.A. secretary by July
7. Drum set furnished will be: Standard set with 2 crashes, 1 ride cymbal, hi-hat and
drummer's throne.
(scheduled Friday only):
- For Piano
Competitive Division: To enter this event, students must also
participate in the solo division as well as the competitive. Students
should enter three different memorized repertoires. They perform only one piece which must be selected from the test list. This must be different from
pieces chosen for the regular solo division.
- Competitive Piano contestants age limit
- cannot be more than age 18 on August 1, 2025.
- Class G through Junior Virtuoso may enter. Only one (1) selection will be performed.
- 1st, 2nd & 3rd places may be awarded in each division. 1st Place must be 95% or higher; 2nd & 3rd place must receive a score of at least 90%. No second or third place awarded if no first place winner.
- There will be
no ties. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners must move to the next higher solo class the following year.
- Competitive groups will have 20 or less participants. In Class G through Class AA, each group will be
playing in the same solo class. Larger groups will be divided by age within same solo class. (For example,
class D and E will not be judged against each other; if Class D competitive has more than 20 participants, a
class D-1 and a class D-2 will be scheduled, determined by age). Due to number of entries, Classes AAA
and Junior Virtuoso will be grouped together.
- The competitive piece can be changed no later than 10 days before the festival. A change fee will apply.
- Audience permitted in all classes.
- Competitive
winners' recital - Friday, 5:30-6:15 p.m. Classes G-C 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place winners will
perform, 6:15-7:00pm Classes B-AAA/JV will perform.
- 1st place winners
may be invited to play on the Sunday Recital preceding the awards
ceremony, depending on available time.

- All solo contestants will play two
memorized selections: One test piece chosen from the official test piece list and one choice piece
of contrast (which may also be from the same level on the test list). All solo instrument categories (with exceptions listed above) will have test piece lists.
- Required lists contain multiple choices because music continually goes out of print. Please notify the
MAMA secretary if you know of pieces that are permanently out of print.
- A contestant's choice piece
may not appear on lower level of the test list than the required piece.
Fun Talent
Showcase: The show is looking for musicians, singers, dancers, actors, comedians, and
magicians who are five years and older. Must be entered into at least one MAMA event to participate. You may enter on
Saturday, the day of the event, at the MAMA registration desk. There will be no prizes and no judging. A
4-5-minute performance is recommended. This talent showcase is set to
begin approximately 7:00 p.m.
- memorization required; audience allowed
- choose 2 numbers
- quality selections from films or other music theater pieces (songs from Disney films are especially appropriate for younger voices.
Please do not select songs from country or heavy rock styles.)
- 7 minutes including set up is allotted for each contestant; judge may cut performance going over time.
- Entrants will choose two contrasting pieces
if no test list is available.
- All Virtuosos will be judged on Saturday.
A top virtuoso winner will be chosen where, in the
judges' opinions, the entrant is top caliber. "Top Virtuoso" competitors must be 19 years or younger to compete in this category. Top winners will play on the Sunday Honors Recital. There will be no tie for top virtuoso in any division. Virtuoso entrants must play pieces as written (see special notes above for repeats longer than 8 measures) and will play two memorized
pieces - one from the test list and one of their choice. Virtuoso entries are to send a resume concerning their musical study, attached to the entry form. A top virtuoso
winner is not eligible to be the top winner two consecutive years on the same instrument.
- One Top Virtuoso may be chosen from each of the following categories: piano, percussion, all fretted string, all unfretted string, all brass, all woodwind, all accordion, harp, and voice.
- Elite Virtuoso
- A 20-minute performance time in which the participant will play two contrasting
pieces - Virtuoso and above level. Memorized performance and non-competitive. It is
intended for individuals who have competed and won Top Virtuoso and/or are 20 years of age or older by festival entry due date.
- One Top Virtuoso may be chosen from each of the following categories: piano, percussion, all fretted string, all unfretted string, all brass, all woodwind, all accordion, harp, and voice.
So many talented
to Top
Times may vary slightly due to scheduling.
July 31 - Sunday, August 3, 2025
University Plaza Hotel & Convention
333 South John Q Hammons Parkway, Springfield, MO 65806
~ Phone: 417-864-7333
Thursday -
Depending on number of entries, judging may begin Thursday afternoon, 1:00 p.m., for
piano solos/duets.
- Judging begins at 8:00 a.m.; superiors posted prior to awards
Quiz Bowl Preliminary Rounds - 2:00 p.m. and after
Competitive Piano Recital in the ballroom - Evening G-C winners perform -
5:30-6:15 p.m.
B-AAA/JV winners perform - 6:15-7:00 p.m.
Awards Ceremony Friday Event - 7:00 p.m.

Saturday -
Judging begins at 8:00 a.m.; superiors posted by 9:00 p.m.
Quiz Bowl 2:00 p.m. and after
Quiz Bowl - Level III Finals - 5:30 p.m.
"Evening of the Future Stars" - 6:00 p.m.
Talent Showcase - 7:00 p.m.
Sunday -
Judging begins at 8:00 a.m.; superiors posted prior to awards ceremony
Composer's Composition Masterclass 10:00 a.m.
Recital 11:00 a.m. (Outstanding Young Performers and Virtuoso)
Awards Ceremony 12:30 p.m. (for Saturday & Sunday events)
to Top
In fairness to all who attend the awards' assembly, seats may not be reserved in quantities for studio members.
Any contestant guilty of any damage, personal or real, to property or unruly conduct during festival will be disqualified from the festival.
Any contestant who needs to cancel an event after
scheduling will not receive a refund.
fees returned after scheduling is complete.
Do not use the Individual Teacher or
Studio Membership Application for contestant applications.
to Top
Core questions used over the past 10 years are available to all studios
from the Secretary upon request.
Preliminary rounds start Friday,
2:00 p.m. Number of teams determines Friday scheduling.
Teams consist of 3-4 members; no limit on number of teams from a studio. No age limit; classification will be according to the highest solo division on the team. Team members must participate in solo division.

- An
entrant can be on only one team.
- A
Class D entrant can participate on either an E-F-G team or a B-C-D team.
- An
E-F-G team can have only one Class D participant.
Classifications will be:
- Level 1 EFG solo participants
(with one class D entrant permitted per team)
- Level II BCD solo participants
- Level III A
- Virtuoso solo participants
Questions will include history, theory, aural and musicianship appropriate for each level.

Written preliminary test will be Friday 2:00 to 3:00
p.m. if the number of teams entered necessitates an elimination round test. Three highest individual scores on each team will be used in determining the semi-final
teams. Semi-final rounds are Friday with up to four teams for each level.
Finals competition is Saturday for Levels I, II & III.
Each round will consist of a set number of questions; 10 seconds will be given to answer, if missed, the other team
has the option to accept that question or ask for a new one. If accepted, there will be no repeat of the question and 5 seconds to answer.

Study guide for Quiz Bowl written test:
LEVEL I: be able to:
- Name the notes on the lines and spaces of G & F clef
- Identify melodic intervals of a m2, M2, M3; write the same above a given note
- Identify half and whole steps
- Identify M & m triads, including sharp and flat names; redraw minor triads as major and vice versa
- Identify Major key signatures up to 4 sharps and flats
- Write the rest or note that is the equivalent of a given number of note values
- Complete measures with one note or rest in 6/8, C, 2/4, 3/8,
- Know the terms: treble clef, staccato, mf, leger lines, allegro, crescendo, p, interval, rit, una corda, dim, andante, accel, harmonic, minor, whole step, legato
- Know the composers Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Prokofiev
- Draw all Major scales up to 3 sharps and flats
LEVEL II: be able to:
- Name the notes above the treble and bass staffs
- Identify intervals from m2 through M6; write the same above a
given note
- Identify any Major or minor triad or dominant 7th chord
- Draw any Major, minor, diminished, augmented triad or dominant 7th chord
- Identify any major or minor key signature
- Complete measures with one note or rest in any meter
- Know the terms: double shard, grace note, alto, tenor, authentic cadence, enharmonic, tonic, alla breve, binary, ternary, soprano, opus, fp, sfz, bass, cadenza, K numbers
- Know the following composers: Haydn, Chopin, Mendelssohn, J. Strauss, Brahms, Sousa, Joplin, Rachmaninoff, Debussey, Ravel
- Know the term parallel Major and minor
- Draw any major or minor scale (any form)
LEVEL III: be able to:
- Write the tonic, supertonic, etc. note of any scale, Major and minor
- Write or identify any interval
- Draw a triad on any note of any scale. Also Diminished 7ths
- Complete a measure in any meter with one note or rest
- Know these terms: Deceptive cadence, meno, piu, dolce, plagal cadence, chorale, drone, senza oratorio, Alberti Bass, litretto, rondo, modulation, cantabile, marcato, simile, Baroque suite, subject
- Know these composers: Handel, Beethoven, Schubert, Tschaikovsky, Dvorak, Gershwin, Stravinsky, Copland, Zwilich, Tower
- Draw the whole tone scale, the chromatic scale and any modal scale
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