MAMA Overview:
Please note: times subject to change; final schedule will include exact event
The Mid-America Music Festival will be held
Thursday, July 31 - Sunday, August 3, 2025, at the University Plaza Hotel &
Convention Center, 333 South John Q Hammons Parkway, Springfield, MO 65806. Phone:
The following events are available to the students:
1. Solo
Division, G-Virtuoso: All contestants will play two selections. One piece must be chosen from the official test piece list and the other can be a choice piece. Both numbers must be played from memory and must be contrasting.
2. Duet Division: Entrants will play two contrasting numbers of their choice. Memorization not required; open to audiences.
3. Hymn/Patriotic and
Pop/Blues/Jazz: Entrants play 2 hymns, 2 patriotic songs or one of each (same for
Pop/Blues/Jazz); memorization not required; original copy of music must be provided for the
4. Original Composition:
Manuscript submitted to judge; composer/contestant performs; memory optional.
5. Piano Competitive Division:
Students must participate in the regular solo
division; perform one piece from the test list but different from pieces in regular solo
division; compete in a group of less than 20 contestants for a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place
trophy. Competitive auditions will be Friday, August 2, open to audience;
awards and winners' recital held Friday 6:00 p.m. 1st & 2nd place will
perform. Time permitting, 3rd pl. winners also perform. 1st place winners may also play on Sunday Honors Recital 11:00 a.m.
6. Student
Entrants on any instrument will play two choice classical and/or
"teaching" contrasting pieces. Memory is not required.
7. Composer's
Composition: Entrants must also enter the regular solo division. One
composer's compositions will be the required list, and the composer will be the judge. Students who enter this division must agree to be present on Sunday morning for an
10:00 a.m. Masterclass if chosen to play
in the masterclass.
We are thrilled to have
KEVIN OLSON as our Guest Composer this year!!
Kevin Olson
- Ed.D., NCTM
Professor of Music Coordinator, Keyboard Studies Faculty
Advisor, USU Youth Conservatory Caine College of the Arts
Kevin is an active pianist, composer, and professor of piano
at Utah State University where he has taught courses in piano literature, pedagogy, accompanying, music theory,
improvisation, commercial composition, and rock & roll history, among others. In addition to his collegiate teaching
responsibilities, Dr. Olson coordinates the keyboard studies program at Utah
State and oversees the USU Youth Conservatory, which provides weekly piano instruction to
over 150 pre-college community students.
Dr. Olson has been a Composer in Residence at the National Conference on Keyboard
Pedagogy and has written music commissioned and performed by groups such as the
Five Browns, Music Teachers National Association, American Piano Quartet, Chicago a
cappella, the Rich Matteson Jazz Festival, American Grands, the Festival for Creative
Pianists, the American Festival Chorus & Orchestra, and numerous piano teacher
associations around the country. He gives workshops and performances nationally and
internationally - most recently in India, China, Canada, Great Britain, and Italy.
Kevin maintains a large piano studio, teaching students of a variety of ages and abilities.
Many of the needs of his own piano students have inspired over 200 published books and
solos, written in a variety of levels and styles.
His compositions are available
>>. |
8. Music Quiz
Bowl: Patterned after quiz bowls held by many schools; complete guidelines are in
Rules & Regulations; team members must also be entered in solo division.
9. Fun Talent
Showcase: The show is looking for musicians, singers, dancers, actors, comedians, and
magicians that are five years and older. Must be entered into at least one MAMA event to participate. You may
enter on Saturday, the day of the event, at the MAMA registration desk. There will be no prizes and no judging. A
4-5-minute performance is recommended.

10. Theory Bee:
please refer to guidelines in Rules &
Regulations. Syllabus
is in Test Lists. Theory bee will be held on Friday only.
11. Concerto Division:
student plays one movement of one concerto, memorized, any level; accompanist may be the teacher.
12. Elite
Virtuoso Solo Division: 20-minute performance time, participant will play two contrasting pieces,
Virtuoso, and above level. Memorized performance and is non-competitive. It is intended for individuals who have
competed in and won Top Virtuoso and/or are 20 years of age or older by festival entry due date.
Please note: Contestants may indicate a preference of which day they play; every effort will be made to honor the
request; however, no guarantee that every request will be met. All schedule change requests are $10.00 regardless
of original request. NO EXCEPTIONS.
No entry fees may
be refunded once the entries are scheduled.

13. For reservations call:
University Plaza Hotel & Convention Center, Springfield, MO. Mention M.A.M.A rate of
$100 per night (includes breakfast). Call the hotel directly at 417-864-7333.
Book your group rate for Mid America Music Association. Reservations should be made before the end of May and changed if necessary
after the festival schedule is received because these rates will only be
available until the MAMA room block is full or until July 7, 2025,
whichever occurs first.
14. Judging: Depending on the number of entries, judging will be Thursday afternoon, Friday & Saturday all day,
and Sunday morning.
15. Trophy
Awards will be Friday evening for Thursday/ Friday judging and Sunday (approximately noon) for Saturday / Sunday morning judging. Contestants are strongly urged to attend the Awards Ceremony to pick up trophies for events receiving a Superior rating. Teachers (or another studio representative) may pick up trophies for contestants not present following either awards ceremony, preferably on Sunday, to allow as many students as possible to receive a trophy.
Trophies will not be available after the Sunday festival conclusion so please have someone present to pick up your trophy.

16. If we run
out of trophies: In the event M.A.M.A. runs out of trophies at the Awards, they will be mailed to the studio at no cost.
Note to
Teachers: You may want to use the parent-to-teacher information form for
your own student registration and set your own deadline for their entries
to reach you.
Click Here for the Studio Entry
Parents, make your check payable to the Associate Member studio
since one check from the studio must be submitted to the M.A.M.A. office.
Checks will not be accepted from individual entrants.
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